Hi, I am Tammy!

I spent many years believing that without a degree of some sort, I wouldn’t be taken seriously as an illustrator and designer. However, it was something that seemed to come very naturally to me, like a gift! I have enjoyed drawing, painting and creating all sorts of things since I was a little girl. I remember once, way back in the 80s when my primary school teacher was asking the class what they wanted to be when they grew up, I replied, “I want to be a famous artist like the man with one ear!” I remember the disappointment I felt at the time when the teacher responded with a chuckle and re-asked, “What would you really like to be when you grow up?”

It would be years later, after walking away from the corporate world in 2013 that I decided that I would actually put my gifts to good use, (one life and all that!), and began seeking out opportunities that allowed me to get creative, to draw, to illustrate and to design, just like I had dreamed of all those years ago, before life told me it wasn’t a “real” job.

I have never looked back!

Due to many years’ experience in the sales industry, I had learned the importance of digging deep to learn about a customer’s needs and applying a solution. I combined these helpful life lessons with my abilities to create unique illustrations and artwork while working with customers from all walks of life. Over the years I gained a huge amount of experience working in the creative world. I have created personalised art pieces intended for special gifts, I’ve designed, written, and illustrated my own children’s books and I’ve created other children’s books for other organisations. I’ve helped organisations and businesses create fresh new branding options and designed successful logos.

So, now when people ask me how I feel about not working “a normal job”, my answer is simple…

“My mind runs at 100 miles per hour with ideas, creations and visions. Following a path that allows me to be creative on a daily basis is the highest honour that could have been bestowed on me. I was lucky enough to be given this wonderful gift of creativity and I don’t intend on wasting it a single day!”

Where it all started

These days I like to refer to my creative abilities as a wonderful gift wrapped up with passion and determination. This gift was passed down to me from my Dad, who for the love of driving his lorries, never shared his amazing abilities with the world. However, my Dad and other family members have always encouraged me not to waste my talents, and to share them with as many people as possible.

There have been many times throughout my life that I generally believe my eye for detail and my creative flair has definitely given me an upper hand. I have never been one that can confidently sit an exam. Give me course work any day and I will exceed. Tell me to research and I will happily spend hours upon hours extending my knowledge. Sit me in a room, with a clock ticking and an exam paper in front of me… nope, that is never going to work!

However, during my GCSE days, I found other ways to help myself with my grades. For English, I self-taught myself how to write with a calligraphy pen in an old style scrolled font. I am absolutely certain that my “B” results purely came from my presentation and fancy writing rather than my lack of abilities to spell!

For my art exam, I know for sure that my “A*” was definitely achieved by the extended course work and portfolio I presented, rather than my knowledge on an exam paper of the artistic names for different brush strokes!

Here are a few more facts:

  • I enjoy the simple things in life; spending time at home or out and about on little adventures with my husband, Paul and two sons.
  • Family and trusted friendships are very important to me too.
  • I tend to keep my inner circle small as integrity, trust and loyalty are my best friends.
  • As much as I love a small circle, I very much enjoy meeting new people and enjoy going above and beyond to help others.
  • I love grapefruit!
  • I love to be organised, although my 100mph brain sometimes makes this difficult!
  • I am partial to taking part in the odd public speaking gig.
  • My work-related idols are JK Rowling, Dr. Seuss, Roger Hargreaves and Quentin Blake.
  • My favourite movie genres are Thrillers and Romcoms. (But secretly, I’m also a big Horror fan too!)
  • I pretty much love most styles of music. If I can feel the music with my soul then it’s a winner!
  • I am 5ft 7. (Apparently, that makes me tall for a woman!)
  • By the age of 21 I had lived at 21 addresses!
  • I met my husband at the tender age of 19, married him at 22 and am still happily coexisting with him and our two sons today!
  • My husband was the one who taught me to believe in myself.
  • I briefly owned a VX220 sports car. (Well, technically it belonged to my husband, but I got to drive it lots too!)
  • I have now lived in the same home since I was 27 years old!
  • I try to make each day count as much as possible.
  • I was diagnosed with ADHD in my 30s. (I was not surprised!)
  • I push myself to overcome a major fear every year. (So far, I’ve shaved off my hair, jumped 12,000ft out of an aeroplane, gave a public speaking session on stage to over 400 people, presented at an awards ceremony and brought my talents out of the shadows!)

And a few facts about the way I work:

  • I only create unique, original and professional work.
  • I will always try to make myself available for a conversation to support you along the way.
  • I am Tammy! There are no departments to deal with, multiple choice options when contacting me, big bosses or outside influencers. I like to keep things simple and straightforward by working with you on a one-to-one basis and sharing conversations that focus on your needs.
  • I create professional illustrations and designs that can be applied to any medium and any format.
  • I will always deliver the above with a friendly and approachable outlook.

Working Hours

Mon – Thurs 9am to 4pm

Fri – 9am to 1pm

Weekends – Closed


Email – Anytime